I am passionate about jewelry. So what does that mean to you?
Unlike most people out there in the jewelry world, I have been on both sides of the operation. What that means is that I have worked building, repairing, and designing jewelry for years. I have also worked in the retail end of the business for years. So I have learned how to effectively talk to you, my client, in words you will understand that are genuinely helpful. When you can understand the process, then you can feel confident in your decisions. That is what I can do for you.
I am the recipient of an internationally recognised jewelry design award from the American Gem Trade Association, the Spectrum Award. It signifies that others in the jewelry industry recognise my talent. It shows a level of professional achievement that is gained from years of experience.
I was the manager of Shreve and Co. San Francisco downtown repair department in 1979. At that time there were five full time employees that shuffled jobs out to jewelers in the city, who did the actual work. There were hundreds of jobs weekly that came in. Before as well as after, I have worked on the bench, repairing jewelry. What that means to you, is that I have a very good understanding what works, what fails, where problems can crop up, and how to avoid having a piece of jewelry that a nightmare.
What this hopefully tells you is that I am going to be honest with you. I will tell you no, when I need to. I will try and redirect and reenvision. The best part, for you, is that I will tell you why, explaining the process of what can happen or not happen. What are the pitfalls and how to work around that. This also means that there are times when I have turned down a client. Why? I would rather have someone disappointed that I wouldn’t make a piece of jewelry, than mad at what I had made is now sitting in the jewelry box not worn because its a problem.
So that is me. Passionate, innovative, helpful, and honest.